I have this hash function below.
I know that for an input string of length 8 I get a hash with the value of 16530092119764772
The input string can only consist of the characters "abcdefghijklmnop"
What is the best approach to find the input string?
Is there a way to break down the problem mathematically without relying on a brute-force approach to find the string?
Would a recursive solution overflow the stack?
function hash(str) {
let g = 8;
let charset = "abcdefghijklmnop";
for(let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
g = (g * 82 + charset.indexOf(str[i]));
return g;
As an example for the string "agile" it hashes to 29662550362
That’s not even really a hash, because charset
doesn’t have 82 characters in it. It’s more like parsing a string as a base-82 number where you can only use the first 16 symbols. It’d be completely reversible if it didn’t use floating-point numbers, which are imprecise for integers that big. In case you’re not familiar with why, the simplified version is that the operation inside the loop:
g * 82 + d
gives a different result for every possible value of g and d as long as d is less than 82, because there’s enough space between g * 82 and (g + 1) * 82 to fit 82 different ds (from 0 to 81). Each different result is reversible back to g and d by dividing by 82; the whole value is g and the remainder is d. When every operation inside the loop is reversible, you can reverse the whole thing.
So, like you might convert a number to decimal manually with a loop that divides out one digit at a time, you can convert this imprecise number into base 82:
const getDigits = (value, base) => {
const result = [];
while (value) {
result.push(value % base);
value /= base;
return result.reverse();
const getLetter = index =>
String.fromCharCode(97 + index);
const getPreimage = value =>
getDigits(value, 82n)
The results start with “i” because g
starts at 8 instead of 0. The second number is also big enough to not be unique (in contrast to agile
’s “hash”, which can be represented exactly by a JavaScript number), but if you were just trying to find any preimage, it’s good enough.
function hash(str) {
let g = 8;
let charset = "abcdefghijklmnop";
for(let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
g = (g * 82 + charset.indexOf(str[i]));
return g;
for (const s of ['hijackec', 'hijacked', 'hijackee', 'hijackef', 'hijackeg']) {
console.log(s, hash(s) === 16530092119764772);