When I collect a nodelist of p elements and apply a simple regex pattern using a match() method in a for loop, I get no matches in my test HTML which contains a known match.
When I use the same regex pattern on the whole document or on a string containing the pattern I am looking for I get a match. Doh!
I have demonstrated it in jsfiddle here https://jsfiddle.net/rusty1642/fdcmn81h/
I tried using paraText[i].innerHTML.match()
, to no avail. I tried simply matching a known string like (/email/gi), I tried combinations of 'g' and 'i' qualifiers. Still nothing.
var demo = document.getElementById('demo');
var paraText = document.querySelectorAll('p');
var listing = [];
for(var i=0;i<paraText.length;i++) {
listing += i+' '+paraText[i].textContent + '<br>';
var firstMatch = paraText[i].textContent.match(/\d{4}\s\d{3}\s\d{4}/gi);
var telString = "help@yay.com tel.. 0330 122 6000 postal address here";
var secondMatch = telString.match(/\d{4}\s\d{3}\s\d{4}/gi);
demo.innerHTML = listing;
demo.innerHTML +='<br>1 match with nodelist';
demo.innerHTML +='<br> result => '+firstMatch;
demo.innerHTML +='<br>2 match with simple string';
demo.innerHTML +='<br>result => '+secondMatch;
<div>some SAMPLE address details in a page</div>
<p>Tel: 0330 122 6000</p>
<p>Email: help@yay.com</p>
<p>Address: New House Bedford Road Guildford Surrey GU1 4SJ</p>
<b>the nodelist</b>
<div id="demo">nothing yet</div>
//the results some SAMPLE address details in a page:
Tel: 0330 122 6000
Email: help@yay.com
Address: New House Bedford Road Guildford Surrey GU1 4SJ
the nodelist
0 Tel: 0330 122 6000
1 Email: help@yay.com
2 Address: New House Bedford Road Guildford Surrey GU1 4SJ
1 match with nodelist
result => null
2 match with simple string
result => 0330 122 6000
I would expect the match() method to find the telephone number in the nodelist as it looped thro, but it has not.
Can anyone explain please?
The problem is you're only looking at the result of the last match in the loop. Since the last p
doens't have the text, naturally that's null
Perhaps you want to stop the loop when you find a match, see comments:
var demo = document.getElementById('demo');
var paraText = document.querySelectorAll('p');
var listing = [];
var firstMatch = null; // <=== Moved declaration
for (var i = 0; !firstMatch && i < paraText.length; i++) {
// Added -------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
listing += i + ' ' + paraText[i].textContent + '<br>';
firstMatch = paraText[i].textContent.match(/\d{4}\s\d{3}\s\d{4}/gi);
Live Example:
var demo = document.getElementById('demo');
var paraText = document.querySelectorAll('p');
var listing = [];
var firstMatch = null; // <=== Moved declaration
for (var i = 0; !firstMatch && i < paraText.length; i++) {
// Added -------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
listing += i + ' ' + paraText[i].textContent + '<br>';
firstMatch = paraText[i].textContent.match(/\d{4}\s\d{3}\s\d{4}/gi);
var telString = "help@yay.com tel.. 0330 122 6000 postal address here";
var secondMatch = telString.match(/\d{4}\s\d{3}\s\d{4}/gi);
demo.innerHTML = listing;
demo.innerHTML += '<br>1 match with nodelist';
demo.innerHTML += '<br> result => ' + firstMatch;
demo.innerHTML += '<br>2 match with simple string';
demo.innerHTML += '<br>result => ' + secondMatch;
<div>some SAMPLE address details in a page</div>
<p>Tel: 0330 122 6000</p>
<p>Email: help@yay.com</p>
<p>Address: New House Bedford Road Guildford Surrey GU1 4SJ</p>
<b>the nodelist</b>
<div id="demo">nothing yet</div>
Or if you want an array of the results attempting to match each paragraph:
var matches = []; // <=====
for (var i = 0; i < paraText.length; i++) {
listing += i + ' ' + paraText[i].textContent + '<br>';
// ^^^^
Live Example:
var demo = document.getElementById('demo');
var paraText = document.querySelectorAll('p');
var listing = [];
var matches = []; // <=====
for (var i = 0; i < paraText.length; i++) {
listing += i + ' ' + paraText[i].textContent + '<br>';
// ^^^^
var telString = "help@yay.com tel.. 0330 122 6000 postal address here";
var secondMatch = telString.match(/\d{4}\s\d{3}\s\d{4}/gi);
demo.innerHTML = listing;
demo.innerHTML += '<br>matches with nodelist:';
demo.innerHTML += matches.map(function(match) { return "<br>result => " + match; });
demo.innerHTML += '<br>match with simple string';
demo.innerHTML += '<br>result => ' + secondMatch;
<div>some SAMPLE address details in a page</div>
<p>Tel: 0330 122 6000</p>
<p>Email: help@yay.com</p>
<p>Address: New House Bedford Road Guildford Surrey GU1 4SJ</p>
<b>the nodelist</b>
<div id="demo">nothing yet</div>