If a string contains any non-ASCII value, i need to to delete it.
I have tried replaceAll mrthod which is working fine with jdk 1.8 and above. but i want to deploy the same on jdk 1.6 and is it not functioning.
String Remarks2 ="hii:╘’i";
String Remarks = Remarks2.replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", "");
System.out.println("ans: "+Remarks);
Output in jdk 1.8: hii:i Output in jdk 1.6: hii:╘’i
Actual result must be- hii:i
As commented \p{ASCII}
came later.
As ASCII is the first 7-bits range:
String remarks = remarks2.replaceAll("[^\u0000-\u007F]", "");
You might try to normalize text decomposing é
into e
and a zero-width combining mark ´
remarks2 = Normalizer.normalize(remarks2, Form.NFD);