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django_tables2 & excelTableFilter overwrite header chevron



excelTableFilter makes HTML tables more search/filter/sortable like excel, django_tables2 gives you more control over how a table is rendered.

BUT the filter button in excelTableFilter is very large on mobile and hardly sizable. My goal was to replace the a-z, z-a sortng default of django_tables2 with the pop-up menu from excelTableFilter.

After 2-3 hours of digging through here was my solution:

(I'd love to get feedback / less hacky solutions)


  • JS:

    First I applied excelTableFilter to my target table:


    Next I removed all of the icon tags:


    Then I wrote a function to intercept all of the clicks on class 'click_redirect' and redirect them to the 'arrow-down' class element in their tree

      $(document).on('click', '.click_redirect', function(event) {

    Next, I apply that class to all of my headers and replace their sorting url with #

      function update_djheaders(param) {
        param.setAttribute("class", "click_redirect");
        param.setAttribute("href", "#");
      $.each($("th.orderable a"), function(i,l) {update_djheaders(l)});


    Lastly, I apply the following css to hide the icon

      .arrow-down {
        display:none !important;

    Hope this saves you all some time!