I'm fairly new to both Graphql and Kotlin, and I'm having an issue. I have an object (Data Class in kotlin, type in graphql) called Ingredient. Ingredient has a name and an ID, both strings, and a vegan and glutenfree value, both enums.
The problem that I'm having is that when I try to create an ingredient with a mutation, I get a type mismatch for Vegan and GlutenFree where it expects "type.Vegan" and finds "me.paxana.myapplication.models.Vegan"
This is the function I'm using to create the ingredient. In it ingredient.vegan and ingredient.gf are underlined because of the above mentioned type mismatch.
fun createIngredient(ingredient: Ingredient ) {
val createIngredientInput = CreateIngredientInput.builder().name(ingredient.name).vegan(ingredient.vegan).gf(ingredient.gf).build()
This is the ingredient data class:
data class Ingredient(val id: String, val name: String, val vegan: Vegan = Vegan.UNKNOWN, val gf: GlutenFree = GlutenFree.UNKNOWN )
this is my enum class for Vegan
enum class Vegan {
Here's my graphQL schema
input CreateIngredientInput {
name: String!
vegan: Vegan
gf: GlutenFree
input DeleteIngredientInput {
id: ID!
enum GlutenFree {
type Ingredient {
id: ID!
name: String!
vegan: Vegan
gf: GlutenFree
type IngredientConnection {
items: [Ingredient]
nextToken: String
input ModelBooleanFilterInput {
ne: Boolean
eq: Boolean
input ModelFloatFilterInput {
ne: Float
eq: Float
le: Float
lt: Float
ge: Float
gt: Float
contains: Float
notContains: Float
between: [Float]
input ModelIDFilterInput {
ne: ID
eq: ID
le: ID
lt: ID
ge: ID
gt: ID
contains: ID
notContains: ID
between: [ID]
beginsWith: ID
input ModelIntFilterInput {
ne: Int
eq: Int
le: Int
lt: Int
ge: Int
gt: Int
contains: Int
notContains: Int
between: [Int]
enum ModelSortDirection {
input ModelStringFilterInput {
ne: String
eq: String
le: String
lt: String
ge: String
gt: String
contains: String
notContains: String
between: [String]
beginsWith: String
type Mutation {
createIngredient(input: CreateIngredientInput!): Ingredient
updateIngredient(input: UpdateIngredientInput!): Ingredient
deleteIngredient(input: DeleteIngredientInput!): Ingredient
type Query {
getIngredient(id: ID!): Ingredient
listIngredients(filter: TableIngredientFilterInput, limit: Int, nextToken: String): IngredientConnection
type Subscription {
id: ID,
name: String,
vegan: Vegan,
gf: GlutenFree
): Ingredient
@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createIngredient"])
id: ID,
name: String,
vegan: Vegan,
gf: GlutenFree
): Ingredient
@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["updateIngredient"])
id: ID,
name: String,
vegan: Vegan,
gf: GlutenFree
): Ingredient
@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["deleteIngredient"])
input TableBooleanFilterInput {
ne: Boolean
eq: Boolean
input TableFloatFilterInput {
ne: Float
eq: Float
le: Float
lt: Float
ge: Float
gt: Float
contains: Float
notContains: Float
between: [Float]
input TableIDFilterInput {
ne: ID
eq: ID
le: ID
lt: ID
ge: ID
gt: ID
contains: ID
notContains: ID
between: [ID]
beginsWith: ID
input TableIngredientFilterInput {
id: TableIDFilterInput
name: TableStringFilterInput
vegan: TableBooleanFilterInput
gf: TableBooleanFilterInput
input TableIntFilterInput {
ne: Int
eq: Int
le: Int
lt: Int
ge: Int
gt: Int
contains: Int
notContains: Int
between: [Int]
input TableStringFilterInput {
ne: String
eq: String
le: String
lt: String
ge: String
gt: String
contains: String
notContains: String
between: [String]
beginsWith: String
input UpdateIngredientInput {
id: ID!
name: String
vegan: Vegan
gf: GlutenFree
enum Vegan {
Ok, so after I ran amplify codegen
on my project I had a type.Vegan and type.GlutenFree enums I could use, so I got rid of my local kotlin enums and made the properties of the Ingredient object type.Vegan and type.GlutenFree.
Works like a charm.