I am trying to scan a file using AWS Lambda, and I am getting timeout since the scan function is taking longer than expected.
I would like to increase the timeout for my client since this process is @Async and I can handle few more seconds.
This is my method:
public void scanFile( String s3Bucket, String fileName, String path, String documentId, String createdBy ) throws IOException {
FileScanInput input = new FileScanInput();
input.setS3Bucket( s3Bucket );
input.setS3Key( path );
logger.debug( "Scan file: " + path + ", in S3 bucket: " + s3Bucket );
if ( fileScanService == null ) {
fileScanService = buildFileScanService();
FileScanOutput fileScanOutput = fileScanService.scanFile( input );
// TODO: if the scan process failed, ask what should be the next step.
// for now, the file stays in S3.
Assert.notNull( fileScanOutput );
String status = fileScanOutput.getStatus();
// in case the document owner was not found an infected file was file. Email approved emails
if ( status.equalsIgnoreCase( VIRUS_SCAN_INFECTED ) ) {
// delete file on S3
this.deleteFile( s3Bucket, path );
String toEmail = personInfoMapper.findStudentEmail( createdBy );
try {
sendVirusDetectedEmail( fileName, toEmail );
catch ( Exception e ) {
logger.error( e.getMessage() );
// we clean up the metadata table in case there was a virus since this is running async.
metadataDao.cleanUpMetadata( documentId );
logger.error( "The file is infected." );
throw new VirusFoundException( "File is infected." );
public final FileScanService buildFileScanService() {
return LambdaInvokerFactory.builder().lambdaClient( AWSLambdaClientBuilder.defaultClient() ).build( FileScanService.class );
And this is the resource configs for my Lambda function.
I also noticed that my Lambda function actually does its job, which means the issue is basically in this line
FileScanOutput fileScanOutput = fileScanService.scanFile( input );
fileScanOutput doesn't get initialized instead I get timeout issue.
My other classes look like:
public interface FileScanService {
@LambdaFunction( functionName = "s3-antivirus-api-scan" )
public FileScanOutput scanFile( FileScanInput fileScanInput );
public class FileScanInput {
private String s3Bucket;
private String s3Key;
public String getS3Bucket() {
return s3Bucket;
public void setS3Bucket( String value ) {
s3Bucket = value;
public String getS3Key() {
return s3Key;
public void setS3Key( String value ) {
s3Key = value;
public class FileScanOutput {
private String status;
public FileScanOutput() {
public FileScanOutput( String status ) {
this.status = status;
public String getStatus() {
return status;
public void setStatus( String value ) {
status = value;
When you say your client is timing out, do you mean your Lambda SDK client? If so, you may need to pass a longer socket timeout when creating your client:
.withClientConfiguration(new ClientConfiguration()
The default socket timeout is 50 seconds: https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-java/blob/master/aws-java-sdk-core/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/ClientConfiguration.java#L43
Your Lambda function itself will continue running regardless of whether the socket is closed on the client side, which is likely why you see the function completing the job.