Search code examples

LDAP - Use of wildcard on MemberOf filter

I need to get all users and their groups from a specific category.

Examples of users :

user  | memberof
user1 | CN=group_1,OU=Groupes,OU=CR 1,DC=zcam,DC=ztech
user1 | CN=group_2,OU=Groupes,OU=CR 1,DC=zcam,DC=ztech
user2 | CN=group_2,OU=Groupes,OU=CR 1,DC=zcam,DC=ztech
user3 | CN=group_3,OU=Groupes,OU=CR 2,DC=zcam,DC=ztech

I need to get every user where memberof contains OU=Groupes,OU=CR 1,DC=zcam,DC=ztech (user1 and user2 from my example)

Following this doc ( I tried the following syntaxes :

DirectoryEntry ldap = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://");
using (DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(ldap))
    // Works but return everything
    searcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(memberof=*))";

    // Works but only for one group
    searcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(memberof=CN=group_1,OU=Groupes,OU=CR 1,DC=zcam,DC=ztechh))";

    // Doesn't work because searcher.FindAll().Count returns 0
    searcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(memberof=*,OU=Groupes,OU=CR 1,DC=zcam,DC=ztechh))";

    // searcher.FindAll().Count returns 0
    foreach (SearchResult result in searcher.FindAll()) 

Following this ( I tried to change the wildcard * by a % but it didn't changed the result.


  • Finally I have found another way to do. In fact, this property OU=CR 1 in the memberof correspond to the division in my AD. So I just filter like this :

    DirectoryEntry ldap = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://");
    using (DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(ldap))
        searcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(division=CR 1))";
        foreach (SearchResult result in searcher.FindAll()) 

    Thanks everyone for your help.