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Mustache: How to downcase first letter

I'm using a mustache template in order to generate some code using Java.

I'd like to downcase the first letter of a field.

Is there some way to get it?

I need to transform it directly. I'm generating C# code.


I'm using Swagger Codegen tool in order to be able to generate a client according to a API Specification.

This tool is using mustache templates for generating an output. So, there's a template for each language you need. See here, in order to watch the mustache templates that Swagger Codegen provides.

I'm modifying these in order to customize the C# code I want to reach.

    this.{{classname}} = new {{apiPackage}}.{{classname}}(this.Configuration);

It has to generate something like:

this.UserAPI = new Api.UserAPI(this.Configuration);

I'd like to get:

this.userAPI = new Api.UserAPI(this.Configuration);


  • Since the question is specific to swagger codegen tool they have lambda functions for mustache.



    this.{{#lambda.camelcase_param}}{{classname}}{{/lambda.camelcase_param}} = new {{apiPackage}}.{{classname}}(this.Configuration);

    Look for examples in template: