I want to store the previously selected option when navigating with the keyboard. I have achieved this if the user clicks on the drop down but it doesn't store the option if navigated with the keyboard.
CreateDropDown: function (id) {
var me = IndexController;
$("#Drop" + id + "").kendoDropDownList({
name: "drop" + id,
dataTextField: "text",
dataValueField: "value",
valueTemplate: '<i class="#:data.icon#"> </i></span><span>#:data.text#</span>',
template: '<i class="#:data.icon#"> </i>' +
'<span class="k-state-default"><p>#: data.text #</p></span>',
dataSource: me.variable.options,
index: 0,
change: me.onChange,
open: function (e) {
me.options.previousOption = e.sender.value();
me.AddShortText(id, "Short Answer");
and I can use the value:
AddShortText: function (a, ChoiceText) {
var me = IndexController;
if (me.options.previousOption == "2" || me.options.previousOption == "3")
$("#TypeDiv" + a).children(".toRemove").remove();
$("#TypeDiv" + a).children(".group").remove();
$("#TypeDiv" + a).append('<div class="group" style="width:50%">\
<input id="Answer'+ a + '" type="text" class="inputHighlight" disabled >\
<span class="bar"></span>\
<label class="labelHighlight">'+ ChoiceText.trim() + '</label>\
Thank you in advance
Use the select event https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/dropdownlist/events/select
The select function is triggered both with keys or mouse
// your code
select: function(e) {
me.options.previousOption = e.sender.value();