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Framework7 - Global State in React Application

I need a central storage solution for my Data. In my example for the Shopping cart Items or User Credentials. But I want to use the Lifecycle of React. So when the Data changes my Application should render the DOM Tree again.

Framework 7 provides the "data" and "params" Properties, that I can access on every single page through the "this.$f7" Object. But there is not "setData" function to rerender the DOM when Data changes.


  • I implemented the context of my App:

    import UserContext from '../context/UserContext';
    export default class extends React.Component{
        this.state = {
          shoppingcartitems: [],
      render(props) {
        return (
          <UserContext.Provider value={{ 
                state: this.state, 
                setState: function(param){this.setState(param)}.bind(this)
          <App params={f7params} onInit={this.onInit()}>

    Now I can Access it in every other File I need it:

    import UserContext from '../../context/UserContext';
    export default class CartPage extends React.Component {
        static contextType = UserContext;
        componentDidMount() {
            this.context.setState({ hello: "World!"});