In my c# project, I would like to access specific information (POI name and distance) inside a complex and nested JSON.
This JSON is the result of an Azure Maps API call.
I have tried to deserialise it into an object. But this JSON is too complex and I am unable to do it.
What is the best way to extract the information I need ?
"summary": {
"query": "university",
"queryType": "NON_NEAR",
"queryTime": 103,
"numResults": 1,
"offset": 0,
"totalResults": 216684,
"fuzzyLevel": 1,
"geoBias": {
"lat": 48.008446,
"lon": 7.821583
"results": [
"type": "POI",
"id": "DE/POI/p0/1505647",
"score": 2.574,
"dist": 774.6544330765787,
"info": "search:ta:276009006412786-DE",
"poi": {
"name": "Universität Freiburg Medizinische Fakultät",
"phone": "+(49)-(761)-27072350",
"url": "",
"categories": [
"classifications": [
"names": [
"nameLocale": "en-US",
"name": "college/university"
"address": {
"streetName": "Elsässer Straße",
"municipalitySubdivision": "Mooswald",
"municipality": "Freiburg im Breisgau",
"countrySecondarySubdivision": "Freiburg im Breisgau",
"countrySubdivision": "Baden-Württemberg",
"postalCode": "79110",
"countryCode": "DE",
"country": "Germany",
"countryCodeISO3": "DEU",
"freeformAddress": "Elsässer Straße, 79110 Freiburg Im Breisgau"
"position": {
"lat": 48.00894,
"lon": 7.83197
"viewport": {
"topLeftPoint": {
"lat": 48.00984,
"lon": 7.83063
"btmRightPoint": {
"lat": 48.00804,
"lon": 7.83331
"entryPoints": [
"type": "main",
"position": {
"lat": 48.00931,
"lon": 7.83259
Step 1: Parse your JSON in a JSON parser website such as This will help you understand the content and how it will be translated as an object. For example, your JSON string gives this result :
Step2: Open the query tool of this website, this will help you find out the object path to the information you need. For example, for your JSON string, to access the POI name :
Step 3: In your Visual Studio project, install the NuGet package: Newtonsoft.Json and Microsoft.CSharp in your shared library. If you are processing the JSON in a separate library, please also install the Newtonsoft.Json NuGet package in the main project.
Step 4: If JSONstring is your JSON string :
using Newtonsoft.Json;
dynamic NewObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(JSONstring);
string Name = NewObject.results[0];
string Distance = NewObject.results[0].dist;