Search code examples

Bootstrap Select Js Large İ not Search

im using bootstrap select on my website. I have a problem, Large İ not search (when i type in lowercase) :(

I am using standard js functions. So I didn't add js.

<select name="nereden" class="selectpicker show-tick form-control" data-live-search-style="startsWith" data-live-search="true" data-width="100%" data-size="5">
<option value="">{{ trans('nav.from') }}</option>
<option value="{{$istasyon->istasyonId}}-{{$istasyon->istasyonAdi}}">İstanbul</option>
<option value="{{$istasyon->istasyonId}}-{{$istasyon->istasyonAdi}}">Ankara</option>
<option value="{{$istasyon->istasyonId}}-{{$istasyon->istasyonAdi}}">Çankırı</option>


  • While the character İ is similar to a capital I, it's not the exact same character. You need to set liveSearchNormalize to true to allow for accent-insensitive searching, either via

    $('.selectpicker').selectpicker({ liveSearchNormalize: true });

    or by adding data-live-search-normalize="true" to your select element. The liveSearchNormalize feature was expanded/improved in v1.13.4, so you'll need to use at least that version.

    See a preview of it working with v1.13.8 here