To jsp i send list of Routes
request.setAttribute(ROUTES, routeService.getAll());
Routes has Train->List<Wagon>
Wagon has type (Business, Standart, etc) and count of seats.
I need to show for every Route:
Business: 1313,
Standart: 131...
I need to summ count of seats of each Wagon of all types and show it in JSP for each Route.
How to achieve this via jstl.
You should do your logic in your servlet and send it to jsp. Also you can write java codes in jsp which I suggest you to avoid. To Solve your problem you need a code like this in your servlet:
Map<String, Int> trainMap =,
request.setAttribute("trainMap", trainMap);
And in your jsp do something like this:
<c:forEach var="train" items="${trainMap}">
<c:out value="${train.key}" /> : <c:out value="${train.value}" />