I am making an if statement and I am trying to check if a game object exists, If it does exist I want to destroy it and then recreate it. If it does not exist I want to create it.
I get the error cannot use local variable before it is not declared. I have tried declaring it before but then it says cannot use enclosing local scope.
How can I use variable before it is declared or scoped?
Here is my code.
if (x > 25)
if (newGameObject.scene.IsValid())
GameObject newGameObject = GameObject.Instantiate(object1);
GameObject newGameObject = GameObject.Instantiate(object1);
You can't create a new variable called "newGameObject" if one already exists.
So what TerribleDog is suggesting is you declare the property at the class level.
class YourClass: MonoBehaviour
GameObject newGameObject
void SomeMethod
//Then here just set the class level property
newGameObject = GameObject.Instantiate(object1);