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How to watch for file changes in Loopback 4?

I have the following:

nodemon server/server.js --watch common --watch serve

This doesn't work at all. Alright, maybe it's because server/server.js doesn't exist! So I tried the following:

nodemon index.js --watch common --watch serve

Still it didn't work. I also changed common with src. That didn't work either. Please help me with this.


  • Install package tsc-watch if you don't have it installed yet: npm install -D tsc-watch

    You can add this line under your "scripts" tag in package.json:

    "start:watch": "tsc-watch --target es2017 --outDir ./dist --onSuccess \"node .\"",

    And use npm run start:watch instead of npm run start.

    It helps automatically detect any source-code changes and restart the server as well.
