In Fish shell, try to escape ^
in [^anything]
in sed
, however, it does not work.
I tried using single quotes ('s///'
), double quotes ("s///"
, escapig via single or double slash (/
), nothing works.
I’d like a solution for both single and double quotes in sed
$ echo 'cd $OLDPWD $argv' | sed $sed_options "s/cd \([\^ ]\) \$argv/cd \1/g" -
$ echo 'cd $OLDPWD $argv' | sed $sed_options 's/cd \([\^ ]\) \$argv/cd \1/g' -
In Fish shell, try to escape ^ in [^anything] in sed, however, it does not work.
So, the thing is you don't need to escape the ^
for fish's benefit[0].
If you want an inverted character set, you should just use it without a backslash.
echo abc | sed -e 's/[^a]/+/g'
will replace both the "b" and the "c" with a "+", because neither is an "a".
I’d like a solution for both single and double quotes in sed command.
This is the same in single- and double-quotes.
echo 'cd $OLDPWD $argv' | sed $sed_options "s/cd \([^ ]\) \$argv/cd \1/g"
[0] Technically versions before fish 3 used it to denote stderr redirections, but only at the start of a token, and only outside of quotes. None of which is applicable here.