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Add a kendo drop down dynamically using javascript on html page

I'm trying to replicate the google forms for a personal website. The problem I've run into is dynamically creating the controls as the user adds another section.

I cannot create the javascript kendo drop down, can someone assist me with this, please.

My code:

var IndexController = {

options: {
    count: 0

init: function () {
    var me = IndexController;


bindEvents: function () {
    var me = IndexController;
    var data = [
        { text: "Black", value: "1" },
        { text: "Orange", value: "2" },
        { text: "Grey", value: "3" }
    me.options.count = 0;

AddNewSection: function () {
    var me = IndexController;
    $("#addNew").before('<div id="addNew" class="AddNew center">\
        <input id="'+ me.options.count+'" value="1" style="width: 100%;" />\

CreateDropDown: function (id) {
    var me = IndexController;
        dataTextField: "text",
        dataValueField: "value",
        index: 0,
        change: me.onChange()

onChange: function () {


It adds the div but does not load the kendo drop down. I get this error: error The output: output

Kendo works in other parts of the website working with MVC. The scripts are all bundled.

Thank you in advance


  • It's just seems like you forget to type $ at 37'th line.


    When error says "is not a function", that means either you typed incorrect function name or you are not accessing right element.

    In this case you are trying to reach kendoDropDownList function of "#type" string.