I have searched lots of tutorials on web & Youtube, but no luck.
I want to configure Cisco switch via Ansible, I already have it setup, works flawlessly.. but I want to store the passwords (for vty lines, console, enable secret...) ideally in hosts file encrypted via Ansible-Vault as variables so in my .yml file I can access them. I want them in hosts file, because we have different passwords for ASW, DSW and CSW so it could be easier to manage.
I generated encrypted variable in CLI:
ansible-vault encrypt_string enable_password --ask-vault-pass
I copy the value to the variable in /etc/ansible/hosts:
enable_password= !vault |
In config.yml:
- name: Set enable password
- enable secret "{{ enable_password }}"
Right now, the password is going to be set as " !vault |" I am not sure if this is even best practise, I read recommendations for this but all I could find was about server automation, not networks.
I'm running Ansible 2.8.0
Any help is appreciated, thank you.
Let me quote from Variables and Vaults
When running a playbook, Ansible finds the variables in the unencrypted file and all sensitive variables come from the encrypted file.
A best practice approach for this is to start with a group_vars/ subdirectory named after the group. Inside of this subdirectory, create two files named vars and vault. Inside of the vars file, define all of the variables needed, including any sensitive ones. Next, copy all of the sensitive variables over to the vault file and prefix these variables with vault_. You should adjust the variables in the vars file to point to the matching vault_ variables using jinja2 syntax, and ensure that the vault file is vault encrypted.
This scheme isn't limited to group_vars/ only and can be applied to any place where the variables come from.