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Dynamically create a context menu tree with submenu from static data?

Using React context-menu, I am trying todynamically create a menu tree with submenus. I'm able to render the menu successfully, but I´m not able to get submenu working (see error below code).

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ContextMenuTrigger from 'src/ContextMenuTrigger';
import ContextMenu from 'src/ContextMenu';
import MenuItem from 'src/MenuItem';
import SubMenu from 'src/SubMenu';


const targets= [
    name: 'Banana', 
    name: 'Apple', 
    subname: [
        value: 'Red Apple', 
        description: 'description for red apple'
        value: 'Green Apple', 
        description: 'description for green apple'
    name: 'Grapes', 
    name: 'Orange', 
    subname: [
        value: 'Orange Juice', 
        description: 'description for Orange'
        value: 'Orange Color', 
        description: 'description for Orange'

export default class SimpleMenu extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

render() {
    return (
            <ContextMenuTrigger id={MENU_TYPE}>
                <div className='well'>right click menu</div>

            <ContextMenu id={MENU_TYPE}>                    
                { => {
                            return (
                                    { => {

I´m getting error on this line: => {{action.value}})}                                                   

error: TypeError: item.subname is undefined

Is there a better way to map through the nested object?

The objective is to build the menu and submenu from the object dynamically.


  • Added to Colin's response (he's saying you are really looking for item.subname in that context, which looks more appropriate than your since you're inside a function that contains item in its scope), make sure your component handles cases where item.subname is undefined; You could do

    item.subname != undefined ? 'render submenu items if any' : 'do nothing if undefined';