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How to fix report opening app after test and then taking screenshot

Trying to take a screenshot when the test fails. What is actually happening is once intellij gets to my @AfterMethod it launches the application again and takes a screenshot of the home screen.

I have tried putting the extent.flush(); into a @AfterMethod and changing the current @AfterMethod to an @AfterTest

    public synchronized void afterMethod(ITestResult result) throws IOException {
        AppiumDriver<MobileElement> driver = MetricellTest.setupTests();
        String screenShot = CaptureScreenShot.captureScreen(driver, CaptureScreenShot.generateFileName(result));

        if (result.getStatus() == ITestResult.FAILURE) {
            test.get().log(Status.FAIL, result.getName());
            test.get().log(Status.FAIL, result.getThrowable());
            test.get().fail("Screen Shot : " + test.get().addScreenCaptureFromPath(screenShot));
        } else if (result.getStatus() == ITestResult.SKIP) {
            test.get().skip("Test Case : " + result.getName() + " has been skipped");

        } else
            test.get().pass("Test passed");



I expect it to take screenshots as it goes through and tests fail. Currently it just opens the application at the end of the test and takes a screenshot of the home screen.


  • In the @AfterMethod, you are initialising the driver again and calling the setupTests method and your setupTests method is doing the initialisation of the app, because of which the app is getting opened again.

    So, you need to make the following changes in your code and it would work fine then:

    1. Declare the AppiumDriver<MobileElement> driver globally instead of declaring it in the setupTests method, so that it can be used throughout the class.

    2. Remove the line of code AppiumDriver<MobileElement> driver = MetricellTest.setupTests(); from your @AfterMethod because it is initialising the driver and the app again.

    Updated Answer and adding extra explanation:
    You can declare the driver globally like:
    So, lets say your class name is testClass, you should declare the driver just after the code for the class is starting like:

    public class testClass{
        AppiumDriver<MobileElement> driver;
        // Add Rest of the code here