I am trying to publish my code to the server. The code is running but I am getting some error in certain pages.
Error: ORA-00904: "Extent1"."MODIFIED_DATE": invalid identifier There is no such table in the database called Extent1.
Expected behaviour: The code is running perfectly when I am running it in development. The code is also running perfectly when I publish it in a different server. It should running perfectly in the new server.
In the stacktrace I am shown that the error occurs here
BBS.Models.ObjectManager.UserManager.GetDivision() in E:\Final BBS\BBS\Models\ObjectManager\UserManager.cs:136
Below is given the code
public List<PDSDIVISION> GetDivision()
Entities2 db = new Entities2();
IQueryable<PDSDIVISION> idivisions = from e in db.PDSDIVISIONs where e.IS_INTERNAL != 1 select e;
List<PDSDIVISION> divisions = idivisions.ToList();
return divisions;
The PDSDIVISION columns are ->
I am using entity framework 4 and oracle 11g database.
Double check the column name in the Model class. I had a similar issue, and resolved it by checking each name line by line.
In my case the issue was a additional two characters. EG:
DateTime DateProcessed { get; set; }
needed to be corrected to :
DateTime DateProcessed { get; set; }