I just wanted to know what officially the spring-boot-configuration-processor
dependency is for.
I use it in the dependencies, whom are used in a microservice and I want to have the autocompletion in order to manage my configurations. I can see the result in Spring Tool Suite autocompletion, it works fine, and it is useful.
Nevertheless, I wonder if there is another utility to that dependency. I can imagine a usage like dashboard or Spring Boot Admin where the configuration can be edited and it helps.
Thanks in advance
The metadata is consumed in various ways and I am not sure anyone has a full overview of all usages. The IDEs are the main consumers as this was designed for tooling in the first place.
The Spring Boot project consumes the metadata to auto-generate the appendix that lists the keys. I know that the Apache Camel does something similar.
There are also standalone editors for configuration that uses this (same use case as the IDE).