i receive response from a ajax call and i need create a bootstrap-table from it. Inside the response is an array with some data for images (path, name, etc.). I try to give the response data to the bootstrap-table. All data is fine except the images from the array as i only get a single value and therefore only a single file is displayed.
My Function / Ajax Call is:
function printCatchTable(){
var $table = $('#TableLastCaught');
type: "GET",
url: '/api/lastcaught',
success: function(response) {
for(var i =0;i < response.length ;i++){
var item = response[i];
var picinfos = item.picinfos;
for(var x in picinfos){
var filename = picinfos[x].filename;
_id: item._id,
date: item.datum,
time: item.uhrzeit,
pics: filename,
$table.bootstrapTable({data: faengeTableData});
function imageFormatter(value, row) {
return '<img src="files/'+value+'" />';
This is the data i receive:
This results in one single picture under the column "Pics":
<th data-field="bilder" data-sortable="false" data-formatter="imageFormatter">Pics</th>
<tr id="5c8a196cc7b15419d5755153" data-index="1">
<td style="">2019-03-14</td>
<td style="">6:15:19</td>
<td style=""><img src="files/1552554348794.jpg"></td>
If i dont use the formatter i see:
<tr id="5c8a196cc7b15419d5755153" data-index="1">
<td style="">2019-03-14</td><td style="">6:15:19</td>
<td style="">1552554348794.jpg</td>
Question is how to get all images to the table column/row and let imageFormatter build the image source string?
for(var x in picinfos){
var filename = picinfos[x].filename;
Your for loop is replacing the filename everytime you iterate through the picinfos list. You should append the filenames to an array and then pass them to the table.
for(var x=0; x < res.length; x++){
var item = res[x]
var picInfos = item.picinfos
var fileNames = []
for(var i=0; i < picInfos.length; i++){