I need to display a second xAxis on my chart but with different labels. I managed to display a second xAxis by using chart.xAxis(1)
but did not managed to change the labels of the second axis. The second xAxis has the labels of the first.
A standalone xAxis may be a solution but there is no documentation on that now (https://docs.anychart.com/Dashboards/Standalones#axes).
How do I change the labels of the second xAxis?
Edit: I have an array (["2019-02-18", "2019-02-25"], for example) that I want to set as labels of xAxis.
The demo below can help... more information here
UPDATE: set the extra x-axis and changed the labels afterwards as per questioner's comment.
anychart.onDocumentReady(function() {
// JSON data
var json = {
// chart settings
"chart": {
// chart type
"type": "column",
// set chart title
"title": "JSON Data Set. Multiple Series",
// series settings
"series": [{
"seriesType": "line",
// first series data
"data": [
{ "x": "P1", "value": "128.14" },
{ "x": "P2", "value": "112.61" },
{ "x": "P3", "value": "163.21" },
{ "x": "P4", "value": "229.98" },
{ "x": "P5", "value": "90.54" }
}, {
"seriesType": "line",
// second series data
"data": [
{ "x": "P1", "value": "290.54" },
{ "x": "P2", "value": "604.19" },
{ "x": "P3", "value": "650.67" },
{ "x": "P4", "value": "620.43" },
{ "x": "P5", "value": "600.34" }
// chart container
"container": "container"
// get JSON data
var chart = anychart.fromJson(json);
// draw chart
chart.xAxis().title("Basic X Axis");
chart.xAxis().labels().format(val => {
switch (val.value) {
case 'P1':
return '2000 Jan';
case 'P2':
return '2000 Feb';
case 'P3':
return '2000 Mar';
case 'P4':
return '2000 Apr';
case 'P5':
return '2000 May';
return val.value;
chart.xAxis(1).title("Extra X Axis");
chart.xAxis(1).labels().format(val => {
switch (val.value) {
case 'P1':
return '2001 Jan';
case 'P2':
return '2001 Feb';
case 'P3':
return '2001 Mar';
case 'P4':
return '2001 Apr';
case 'P5':
return '2001 May';
return val.value;
#container {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
<script src="https://cdn.anychart.com/releases/v8/js/anychart-base.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.anychart.com/releases/v8/js/anychart-ui.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.anychart.com/releases/v8/js/anychart-exports.min.js"></script>
<link href="https://cdn.anychart.com/releases/v8/fonts/css/anychart-font.css" rel="stylesheet" />
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<div id="container"></div>