I am making a PDF with a custom calculation script and I want to get the product of 2 fields with the results in the format of currency and for the life of me I cant figure it out. I am relatively new to a lot of this.
Here is the code I currently have:
var QtyRow1 = (this.getField( "QtyRow1").value); // the value of QtyRow1;
var CostRow1 = (this.getField( "CostRow1").value); // the value of CostRow1;
var t1 = QtyRow1 * CostRow1; // the value all TotalRows;
if ( t1 < .01 ) {
// t1 will remain blank if total of CostRow1 * QtyRow are less than 1;
event.value = "";
} else {
// otherwise will calculate total of all TotalRows;
event.value = t1;
Additionally here is a link to my PDF I am working on from my google drive. I am trying to take the Quantity and Cost of each row and so a total in the format of Currency from the product of the quantity and cost.
So my problem was I wasn't identifying t1 as a number format with in the JavaScript code so when I would go to the format tab under the form field properties and select that I wanted it to formatted to number and currency it wouldn't work cause it would give me an error saying the "t1" hasn't been properly formatted. So all I did was within the if statement made sure to tell JavaScript that t1 needed to be formatted to a number and did so by doing this: event.value = (Number(t1)) as to where before I just had event.value = t1. That fixed it and now everything works great.
Here is a link to the new PDF with the new code in it: Click Here
// the value of form field QtyRow1;
var QtyRow1 = (this.getField("QtyRow1").value);
// the value of form field CostRow1;
var CostRow1 = (this.getField("CostRow1").value);
// the product of form fields QtyRow1 and CostRow1;
var t1 = QtyRow1 * CostRow1;
// if statement for results
if( t1 < .01 )
// t1 will remain blank if total of form fields CostRow1 * QtyRow are less than .01;
event.value = "";
} else {
// otherwise will caclculate the product of form fields QtyRow1 and CostRow1;
event.value = (Number(t1));