I have a vector of a vector where it represents my map after loading from a file, there is a problem, how can I save into it? Like at coordinate x and y is this type ?
enum Fieldtype <River,Building,Earth,Sky...>
std::vector<std::vector<Field::Fieldtype>> my_map;
char array[10][10];
After loading my map from a txt file into a char array, now is the problem how can I save it into map?
for examle this map:
where S is my sky, B is building... I tried with
for(int x = 0; x < 6; x++)
for(int y= 0; y< 6; y++)
if(array[x][y] == 'S')
my_map.at(x).at(y) = Field::Sky;
this gets me a vector out of range. Can somone help me?
What's the problem ?
The problem is that when you have created the vector with:
std::vector<std::vector<Field::Fieldtype>> my_map;
this vector is completely empty when you try to load it. So any attempt to access to an element, even my_map[0][0]
, will be out of range !
How to solve it ?
You should populate the vector using either resize()
or push_back()
or a combination of both, for example:
my_map.resize(6); // takes care of all the x at once
for(int x = 0; x < 6; x++)
for(int y= 0; y< 6; y++)
if(array[x][y] == 'S')
my_map[x].push_back(Field::Sky); // add the y one by one
Further improvements
To avoid a lot of if
clauses to process the different letters, you could also create a map:
map<char, Field::Fieldtype> mapfield;
You would populate your map with:
mapfield['S'] = Field::Fieldtype::Sky;
Then you could rewrite your loop:
my_map.resize(5); // takes care of all the x at once
for(int x = 0; x < 6; x++)
for(int y= 0; y< 6; y++)
A simpler but more dirty alternative would be to define :
enum Fieldtype:char {River='R',Building='B',Earth='E',Sky='S', ...};
and in the loop populate the fields with: