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jmespath query on aws-shell

I need to extract, from AWS CLOUDFORMATION, all the stacks that contain, within the name, a specific string. I use the following command from aws-shell

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --query "Stacks[?contains(StackName, 'STRING_A')][StackName,StackId]" --output text | tr '\t' ';'

and I'm able to extract all the info that I need.

The problem is that I need to search also another string (suppose STRING_B)...What is the correct command? How can I insert an OR condition into the "?contains" ?

I made several attempts, but none has been successful.


aws cloudformation describe-stacks --query "Stacks[?contains(StackName, 'STRING_A'||'STRING_B')][StackName,StackId]" --output text | tr '\t' ';'

but this solution extract only the records that satisfy the first condition (STRING_A)

For my application, instead of "contain" I can also use "ends_with".....the problem/question is the same :-)

I appreciate your help, thank you in advance


  • Context

    • Jmespath query on AWS shell


    • How to specify or-expression over a string-contains query


    • change BEFORE into AFTER


     Stacks[?contains(StackName, 'STRING_A'||'STRING_B')]


     Stacks[? (contains(StackName, 'STRING_A') || contains(StackName, 'STRING_B')) ]