I am running 3 node apache cassandra cluster as docker container holding timeseries data with 45 days TTL.
I am planning to upgrade the current cassandra version 2.2.5 to cassandra 3.11.4 release. Following steps are identified for the upgrade -
Flush one of the cassandra node
bin/nodetool -h cassandra1 -u ca_itoa -pw ca_itoa drain
Stop the cassandra1 node
Start the new cassandra 3.11.4 container
Upgrade the SSTable
bin/nodetool -u ca_itoa -pw ca_itoa upgradesstables
Check the node status. Repeat the process for the rest of the nodes
I have few questions about the upgrade process -
Yes, you need to run nodetool sstableupgrade on each node after cassandra upgrade as you are upgrading from 2.2.x to 3.11.4. sstable file format and ext also will change. You may run this process on background and it will not create any issue. please refer below links for more details https://blog.thethings.io/upgrading-apache-cassandra-cluster/