How to set background color of PsiFileNode or its child? I know how to change PsiFileNode fileName foreground
public class MarkedFile extends PsiFileNode {
private Color backgroundColor;
public MarkedFile(Project project, @NotNull PsiFile value, ViewSettings viewSettings, Color backgroundColor) {
super(project, value, viewSettings);
this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
public Color getBackgroundColor() {
return backgroundColor;
public void setBackgroundColor(Color backgroundColor) {
this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
protected PresentationData createPresentation() {
PresentationData presentationData = super.createPresentation();
return presentationData;
But how to set background color of file as we can see it in "target" or "out" java directories
You can control the background color of files in the project tree and tabs via EditorTabColorProvider.EP_NAME
extension point. Override getProjectViewColor
to highlight a file in the project tree.