What I need:
Have an E2E Test in CodeceptJS with Nightmare as Main Helper verify the existence of an element, and depending on the result, continue doing a series of actions or others.
Sample code:
class EventsHelper extends Helper {
isExistsElement(selector) {
let browser = this.helpers['Nightmare'].browser;
return browser.evaluate((selector) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let element = document.querySelector(selector);
resolve(element || false);
}, selector);
module.exports = EventsHelper;
Scenario('Test 1', async (I) => {
const isButtonRendered = await I.isExistsElement('#button');
if (isButtonRendered) {
I.see('Message that is displayed only if the button exists.');
} else {
I.see('Alternative message that appears if this button does not exist.');
The current result of this example code is: - If the button exists.
Evaluation timed out after 30000msec. Are you calling done() or resolving your promises?
I am open to suggestions, corrections or different ideas to solve this problem. Thank you all! (and excuse me if my English is not very clear).
You have to use custom helpers for the conditional itself, per the codeceptjs developers, they do not support conditionals inside the main scennario function.
Here is a custom helper example:
'use strict';
import assert from 'assert';
let Helper = codecept_helper;
class MyHelper extends Helper {
async clickIfVisible(selector, ...options) {
const helper = this.helpers['Puppeteer'];
try {
const numVisible = await helper.grabNumberOfVisibleElements(selector);
if (numVisible) {
return helper.click(selector, ...options);
} catch (err) {
console.log('Skipping operation as element is not visible');
module.exports = MyHelper;
More info: https://github.com/Codeception/CodeceptJS/issues/648