I'm using onsen-ui
to style a meteor
app with React
for the frontend. As I understand it, onsen-ui
manages navigation by pushing
pages to a stack, where each page has a unique identifier.
Here is how my pages are loaded in App.js
loadPage = (page) => {
const currentPage = this.navigator.pages.slice(-1)[0]
if(currentPage.key != page.name){
component: page,
props: { key: page.name }
animation: 'fade',
animationOptions: {duration: 0.3, timing: 'ease-in'}
So far everything works fine. But I have now included redux
in my project, so I have some components which are connected to the store by react-redux
's connect()
The problem is that for every component that connect
wraps, the name property becomes Connect
, so onsen-ui
is having to deal with multiple pages with the same name in its stack.
As an example, let's say I have a component defined below
const ComponentName = props => {
return (
<p>Test component</p>
export default connect()(ComponentName)
ordinarily, ComponentName.name
returns ComponentName
but once its wrapped with connect
, ComponentName.name
returns Connect
Is it at all possible to modify the name value for the wrapped component?
Every suggestion is welcome.
export const getPageKey = (page) => {
// returns a page key
let key;
if (page.name === 'Connect') {
key = page.displayName
// key = page.WrappedComponent.name
// react-redux connect returns a name Connect
// .displayName returns a name of form Connect(ComponentName)
return key.replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
else {
key = page.name
return key
So for every component I just get the key with getPageKey(ComponentName)
In production mode, I get single letters for page.displayName
and those letters are hardly unique, which means I'm back where I started.
I need to find another approach. I'll update whatever I find.
This is happening because you are exporting your component through a higher order function (Connect), which is basically a closure in JavaScript.
The name of the HOC that you are using is Connect, and this is returned.
However, it is possible to get the name of the component passed into the connect HOC.
ComponentName.name // Connect
ComponentName.displayName // Connect(ComponentName)
ComponentName.WrappedComponent.name // ComponentName