Search code examples

How to search substring from log field using the scripted fields in painless without regex

I am trying to create to some scripted fields using painless by capturing some "keyword" in the log field, which is a long text field. for example, I have bunch of the log fields:

"Error: Duplicate entry in user1"

"Error: Duplicate entry in user2"

"Error: Duplicate entry in user1"

"Error: Duplicate entry in user3"

"Error: Duplicate entry in user2"

"Error: Duplicate entry in user1"

"Error: Duplicate entry in user3"

The painless I was using:

if (doc['log.keyword'].value == 'Duplicate entry') {
return "match";
return "No match";

to only capture the "Duplicate entry" error message regardless of userID, I am sure I need to use regex to do that. I am just wondering if there is another way to do it without using the regex. Any suggestions.


  • there are lots of ways. you can try this:

    GET logs/_search
      "query": {
        "script": {
          if (doc["log.keyword"].value == null) return false;
          return doc["log.keyword"].value.contains("Duplicate entry");

    in kibana 5 triple quotes might not work. i don't remember exactly. just replace with single quotes