I have an iOS app that has the following key in Info.plist
We have a client and merchant version of the app, only the latter gets a value assigned here (a bluetooth printer). When archiving for the client, we get the following error during the process of uploading to iTunes Connect:
ERROR ITMS-90110: "This bundle is invalid. The key UISupportedExternalAccessoryProtocols in the Info.plist file must be an array of non-empty strings."
I found ways to change Info.plist using a script (adding/removing something from an existing key) but not how to remove a key completely for some build configurations, or if it is empty.
What would be the best solution for this?
You indicate you already know how to work with a build script. The tool you want to use in your script is plutil
plutil -insert <keypath> -<type> <value> <path_to_file>
plutil -remove <keypath> <path_to_file>