I'm learning javascript and I got stuck on a little project right now. I receive an error:
"Uncaught ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side expression in prefix operation at HTMLImageElement. (app.js:142)"
and I don't know where the mistake is. I'll post the code bellow, maybe someone will have an answer for me. Thanks in advance.
$(function () {
const model = {
cats: [
name: 'Suzie',
src: 'src="img/Suzi.jpg"',
counter: 0
name: 'Cici',
src: 'src="img/Cici.jpg"',
counter: 0
name: 'Pufosenie',
src: 'src="img/Pufosenie.jpg"',
counter: 0
name: 'Ariciul',
src: 'src="img/Ariciul.jpg"',
counter: 0
name: 'Iri',
src: 'src="img/Iri.jpg"',
counter: 0
const octupus = {
getCatsArrayLength: function () {
return model.cats.length;
getCatsName: function(number){
return model.cats[number].name;
getCatsSrc: function(number){
return model.cats[number].src;
getCatsCounter: function(number){
return model.cats[number].counter;
generateListOfCats: function (arrayOfCats) {
generateCatPicture: function () {
const viewList = {
renderList: function () {
const ul = document.querySelector('.cat-list');
for (let i = 0; i < octupus.getCatsArrayLength(); i++) {
const catLi = `<li class="catName"><h3 class="h3Cat">${octupus.getCatsName(i)}</h3></li>`;
ul.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', catLi);
const viewCatPicture = {
renderPicture: function () {
for (let i = 0; i < octupus.getCatsArrayLength(); i++) {
const h3CatName = document.querySelectorAll('.catName .h3Cat');
h3CatName[i].addEventListener('click', function (e) {
const displayArea = document.querySelector('.display-area');
const imageToBeInserted =
`<div class="Cat">
<h3 class="h3Cat">${octupus.getCatsName(i)}</h3>
<img class="catImg" alt="image of a kitten" ${octupus.getCatsSrc(i)}">
<ul class="click-list">
<li id="counter"><h3 class="h3Cat">${octupus.getCatsCounter(i)}</h3></li>
<li><h3 class="h3Cat">clicks</h3></li>
displayArea.innerHTML = imageToBeInserted;
const imgSelected = document.querySelector('.catImg');
imgSelected.addEventListener('click', function () {
const counterSelect = document.getElementById('counter');
counterSelect.innerHTML = `<h3 class="h3Cat">${++octupus.getCatsCounter(i)}</h3>`;
startCatPicture: function () {
The error is here:
counterSelect.innerHTML = `<h3 class="h3Cat">${++octupus.getCatsCounter(i)}</h3>`;
You can only use the increment and decrement operators on variables or object properties; things that can be on the left-hand side of an assignment operation. For the same reason that
someFunction(1, 2) = 5;
does not make sense, ++octupus.getCatsCounter(i)
does not either. If you want the value of that function call plus 1, it would be
counterSelect.innerHTML = `<h3 class="h3Cat">${1 + octupus.getCatsCounter(i)}</h3>`;