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Is there a standard format for what to encrypt as a digital signature?

When sending a message encrypted with asymmetric encryption, e.g.

Long long, very long message here. // encrypted with recipents public key

Signed by John Doe // encrypted with own private key

Does one want to be consistent with their own digital signature? Is there a standard format, or a widly used convention for the signature part? Or even, are there any conventions or is it just completely random what each person wants to put there?



I guess my question isn't meant to be about standards per se. Rather about conventions if one would send the example format message in an instant messenger or email for example.


  • You mention in a comment:

    First - the users signs with its private key, not encrypts.. Yes, but doesn't the signing mean encrypting a signature with your private key (so that anyone can check it with your public key), like in my example?

    Though the answer to this comment is generally: no.

    Cryptographic signatures can be constructed in quite a lot of different ways. In RSA, the signing operation resembles some elements of the encryption, but this is a coincidence.

    For example, take some the Schnorr signature scheme for elliptic curves:

    (In this example, G is a base point for some secure elliptic curve E.
     All variables between brackets are scalars modulo the order of E.)
      Alice has a private key x (random).
      Bob has Alice's public key P_A = [x]G.
    Alice signs a message m:
      k := random()
      Q := [k]G
      c := H(Q||P_A||m)
      r := k + c*x
      Alice outputs s := (Q, r)
    Bob verifies s over m:
      c := H(Q||P_A||m)
      Check if [r]G == Q + [c]P_A

    As you can see, there is no real notion of "encryption" here. It is just a protocol.