It seems like, I couldn't find the answer for my problem, so here I am, first on Stackoverflow :)
The If statement tree that will be mentioned:
buttonSzamol.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
int StartHour = 18;
int StartMin = 50;
int StopHour = 20;
int StopMin = 49;
int DayTimeIntervalStart = 6;
int DayTimeIntervalStop = 17;
int NightTimeIntervalLateStart = 18;
int NightTimeIntervalLateStop = 23;
int NightTimeIntervalEarlyStart = 0;
int NightTimeIntervalEarlyStop = 5;
int DayHoursTotal = 0;
int NightHoursTotal = 0;
int DayTimePricePerHour = Integer.parseInt(NappaliOraDij.getText());
int NightTimePricePerHour = Integer.parseInt(EjszakaiOraDij.getText());
int StartDay = Integer.parseInt((DatumStart.getText()).replace(".", ""));
int StopDay = Integer.parseInt((DatumStart.getText()).replace(".", ""));
//1 started hour
if( (StartDay == StopDay) && ( ( (StartHour == StopHour) && (StartMin < StopMin) ) || ( ((StartHour + 1) == StopHour) && (StartMin >= StopMin) ) ) ) {
if((DayTimeIntervalStart <= StartHour) && (StopHour <= DayTimeIntervalStop)) {
if((NightTimeIntervalLateStart <= StartHour) && (StopHour <= NightTimeIntervalLateStop)) {
} else/*More hours*/if( (StartDay == StopDay) && ( ( (StartHour < StopHour) && (StartMin <= StopMin) ) || ( (StartHour < StopHour) && (StartMin > StopMin) ) ) ) {
if( (StartHour < StopHour) && (StartMin < StopMin) ) {
if((DayTimeIntervalStart <= StartHour) && (StopHour <= DayTimeIntervalStop)) {
DayHoursTotal = DayHoursTotal + (StopHour - StartHour);
if((NightTimeIntervalLateStart <= StartHour) && (StopHour <= NightTimeIntervalLateStop)) {
NightHoursTotal = NightHoursTotal + (StopHour - StartHour);
}else if(( (StartHour < StopHour) && (StartMin >= StopMin) )) {
if((DayTimeIntervalStart <= StartHour) && (StopHour <= DayTimeIntervalStop)) {
DayHoursTotal = DayHoursTotal + (StopHour - StartHour);
if(StartMin != StopMin) {
if((NightTimeIntervalLateStart <= StartHour) && (StopHour <= NightTimeIntervalLateStop)) {
NightHoursTotal = NightHoursTotal + (StopHour - StartHour);
if(StartMin != StopMin) {
OrakOsszesen.setText(Integer.toString(DayHoursTotal + NightHoursTotal));
NappaliOsszeg.setText(Integer.toString(DayHoursTotal * DayTimePricePerHour));
EjszakaiOsszeg.setText(Integer.toString(NightHoursTotal * NightTimePricePerHour));
VegOsszeg.setText(Integer.toString((DayHoursTotal * DayTimePricePerHour) + (NightHoursTotal * NightTimePricePerHour)));
So, the problem in a nutshell is. I've tried to create a parking fee calculator for my colleague at work. The main idea is, that it needs to calculate how many Daytime and how many Nighttime hours the client started, and it needs to calculate the price of those hours. I've changed the StartHour/Min-StopHour/Min fields to straight integers to be more understanable. I don't know if there is a module for this, but I started doing this with a lot of If statements, where I just got tangled up. In the included pastebin, there is starting time 18:50 and stop time 20:49. If we input this data, the output should be 2 started day hours. Now if the minute is the same, it does not count as a started hour. But if we change the input to 20:51, then it started an another hour, so the DayHoursTotal should be equal to 3.
Thank you in advance, for any help. If you have more questions about my code or idea, just ask.
It seems that you are trying to calculate the started hours not just between 2 times, but also between different dates.
For this it is best to use the java.time
package and more specifically the LocalDateTime
LocalDateTime.of(startYear, startMonth, startDay, startHour, startMinute)
in conjuction with the between()
method from the Java 8 ChronoUnit
class gets exactly what you need.
ChronoUnit.MINUTES.between(Temporal t1, Temporal t2)
PS: You don't need that many 'interval' variables.
Just the start hour of the day (dayTimeIntervalStart
) and night (nightTimeIntervalLateStart
) rate is enough.
The hours rates before and after can be derived from those two intervals.
Spoiler!! look away if you want to investigate further yourself! ;)
Here is a runnable code sample that shows the parking logic for >1 day:
(I have omitted the user input parsing/logic, because that depends on your implementation)
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
public class ParkingFee {
private static long hoursDifference(LocalDateTime ldt1, LocalDateTime ldt2) {
long minutesDiff = ChronoUnit.MINUTES.between(ldt1, ldt2);
long hoursDiff = Math.round(Math.ceil(minutesDiff/60.0));
return hoursDiff;
public static long hoursDifference(
int startDay, int startMonth, int startYear, int startHour, int startMinute,
int endDay, int endMonth, int endYear, int endHour, int endMinute) {
return hoursDifference(
LocalDateTime.of(startYear, startMonth, startDay, startHour, startMinute),
LocalDateTime.of(endYear, endMonth, endDay, endHour, endMinute));
public static int determineDayCycle(int dayTimeIntervalStart, int nightTimeIntervalLateStart) {
return nightTimeIntervalLateStart - dayTimeIntervalStart;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Hourly rates
int dayTimePricePerHour = 5;
int nightTimePricePerHour = 10;
// Rate intervals
int dayTimeIntervalStart = 6;
int nightTimeIntervalLateStart = 18;
// Counted hours per rate
int dayHoursTotal = 0;
int nightHoursTotal = 0;
// Start date and time
int startYear = 2019;
int startMonth = 1;
int startDay = 1;
int startHour = 20;
int startMinute = 50;
// End date and time
int endYear = 2019;
int endMonth = 1;
int endDay = 3;
int endHour = 2;
int endMinute = 49;
// Calculate the hours difference
long hourDiff = hoursDifference(
startDay, startMonth, startYear, startHour, startMinute,
endDay, endMonth, endYear, endHour, endMinute);
System.out.println("Hour difference found: "+ hourDiff);
// Handle parking for full days
if (hourDiff > 24) {
int dayCycle = determineDayCycle(dayTimeIntervalStart, nightTimeIntervalLateStart);
long fullDays = hourDiff / 24;
nightHoursTotal += (24-dayCycle)*fullDays;
dayHoursTotal += dayCycle*fullDays;
hourDiff = hourDiff % 24;
// Handle the parking for less than full day
while (hourDiff > 0) {
if (startHour < dayTimeIntervalStart) { // Before the day interval -> night
} else if(startHour < nightTimeIntervalLateStart) { // Before the night interval -> day
} else { // After the day interval -> night
if (startHour > 23) // At midnight reset the hour to 0
startHour = 0;
System.out.println("Day hours: "+ dayHoursTotal);
System.out.println("Night hours: "+ nightHoursTotal);
System.out.println("Total hours: "+ (dayHoursTotal + nightHoursTotal));
System.out.println("Day rate charged at "+ dayTimePricePerHour +": "+ (dayHoursTotal * dayTimePricePerHour));
System.out.println("Night rate charged at "+ nightTimePricePerHour +": "+ (nightHoursTotal * nightTimePricePerHour));
System.out.println("Total rate charged: "+ ((dayHoursTotal * dayTimePricePerHour) + (nightHoursTotal * nightTimePricePerHour)));
This outputs:
Hour difference found: 30
Day hours: 12
Night hours: 18
Total hours: 30
Day rate charged at 5: 60
Night rate charged at 10: 180
Total rate charged: 240