I am trying to put a dynamic style on this element:
Unfortunately it doesn't exist in my template so I can not place an [ngClass] on it. At the moment I am doing this by setting a global CSS variable onInit() but this seems like a workaround. What am I missing? Is there a cleaner way to do this? Thanks for any insights or suggestions!
Add a dynamic class on the container of your intended element (the component it's in) and do something like this
// my-component.html
<the-component [class.myClass]="myCondition"></the-component>
// my-component.css
:host ::ng-deep .myClass input[type=range].MPslide.pvd-slider::-webkit-slider-runnable-track{
// your dynamic style
you can read more about :host
and ::ng-deep
from Angular style special selctor