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Power consumption of virtual machines in Cloudsim

Can we add a powerModel for virtual machine also as we do it for host in Cloudsim (simulation Tool)? So that we can track the power consumption of each virtual machines.


  • Using CloudSim Plus you can compute the CPU usage and power consumption of a VM using the following code into your example:

    private void printVmsCpuUtilizationAndPowerConsumption() {
        for (Vm vm : vmList) {
            System.out.println("Vm " + vm.getId() + " at Host " + vm.getHost().getId() + " CPU Usage and Power Consumption");
            double vmPower; //watt-sec
            double utilizationHistoryTimeInterval, prevTime = 0;
            final UtilizationHistory history = vm.getUtilizationHistory();
            for (final double time : history.getHistory().keySet()) {
                utilizationHistoryTimeInterval = time - prevTime;
                vmPower = history.powerConsumption(time);
                final double wattsPerInterval = vmPower*utilizationHistoryTimeInterval;
                    "\tTime %8.1f | Host CPU Usage: %6.1f%% | Power Consumption: %8.0f Watt-Sec * %6.0f Secs = %10.2f Watt-Sec\n",
                    time, history.vmCpuUsageFromHostCapacity(time) *100, vmPower, utilizationHistoryTimeInterval, wattsPerInterval);
                prevTime = time;

    You don't implement specific PowerModel for VMs. The VM power consumption is determined by its CPU utilization and the Host's PowerModel.

    You can get the complete example here.