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Can't query using cell reference from other functions in Google Sheets

I'm trying to get an integer value from another cell, A1, into my Google Sheets query:

=QUERY(B:F; "select B where F > "& A1 &"limit 1")

I get this error:

PARSE_ERROR: Encountered " "," ", "" at line 1, column 27. Was expecting one of: "group" ...

A1 contains a function =B1+C1 and that returns an integer. Though this query works if A1 is a hard-coded value like 100. I am not sure what is causing this error could be a parsing error or query error. Does anyone know how to fix it?


The referred cell, A1, has currency formatting in swedish krona(kr) that's not something custom. The regional settings are set to Sweden.


  • It works when you set the reference cell inside an Value(S13). It didn't work because of a bug in Google Sheets. Did try the query in another sheet, without Value(S13) and it worked, that confirms the bug.

    This is the workaround query:

     =QUERY(B:F; "select B where F > "& Value(S13) &"limit 1")

    The pseudo sheet for testing

    enter image description here