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Calling numDeriv:hessian() with multiple-parameter-objective-function in Rcpp

My aim is to call the hessian() function from the numDeriv R package from a cpp file (using Rcpp).

A toy example:
I want to calculate a hessian of a one-dimensional function x^n at the point x=1 with parameter n=3.
R code:

H = call_1D_hessian_in_C(K=1)

Cpp code:

double one_dimensional(double X, double N){
  return pow(X,N);

// [[Rcpp::export]]
double call_1D_hessian_in_C(double K) {

  Rcpp::Environment numDeriv("package:numDeriv");
  Rcpp::Function hessian = numDeriv["hessian"];
  double param = 3;

  Rcpp::List hessian_results =
    Rcpp::_["func"] = Rcpp::InternalFunction(one_dimensional), 
    Rcpp::_["x"] = 1.0,
    Rcpp::_["N"] = param

  return hessian_results[0];


This works fine and I indeed get "6" at the output.
However my true goal is to calculate hessians of K-dimensional functions, therefore K=/=1. I try the following:

H = call_KD_hessian_in_C(K=2)

And in Cpp:

NumericVector k_dimensional(NumericVector X, double N){
  return pow(X,N);

// [[Rcpp::export]]
double call_KD_hessian_in_C(double K) {

  Rcpp::Environment numDeriv("package:numDeriv");
  Rcpp::Function hessian = numDeriv["hessian"];
  double param = 3;

  Rcpp::NumericVector x = rep(1.0,K);

  Rcpp::List hessian_results = 
    Rcpp::_["func"] = Rcpp::InternalFunction(k_dimensional),
    Rcpp::_["x"] = x,
    Rcpp::_["N"] = param

  return hessian_results[0];


But now I get "invalid pointer" errors. A am not sure how to provide the hessian function call with a cpp function that takes a set of parameters to evaluate the partial derivatives at...


  • Couple of quick notes:

    • Try the implementation in R and then move it to C++.
      • Provides a reference point and makes sure that everything works as intended.
    • Search paths and names matter
      • Explicitly load numDeriv package before compiling.
      • Respect capitalization X vs. x.
    • Ensure output types are accurate
      • From ?numDeriv::hessian, the output type is an N x N Rcpp::NumericMatrix instead of Rcpp::List.

    Implementing in R

    Coding the example and running it in pure R would give:

    k = 2
    k_dimensional = function(x, N) {
     x ^ N 
    numDeriv::hessian(k_dimensional, x = rep(1, k), N = 3)

    Error in hessian.default(k_dimensional, x = rep(1, k), N = 3) :

    Richardson method for hessian assumes a scalar valued function.

    So, immediately, this means that the k_dimensional() function is missing a reduction down to a scalar (e.g. single value).

    Environment Run Time Error with C++ variant

    After compiling the original code, there is a runtime error or when the function was called the issue an issue appears. For example, we have:

    call_KD_hessian_in_C(K = 2)

    This provides the error of:

    Error in call_KD_hessian_in_C(2) :

    Cannot convert object to an environment: [type=character; target=ENVSXP].

    As we are using an R function found in a package not loaded by default, we must explicitly load it via library() or require() before calling the function.

    Therefore, the process to avoid an environment issue should be:

    # Compile the routine
    # Load numDeriv to ensure it is on the search path
    # Call function

    Cleaned Up C++ Implementation

    From prior discussion, note that we've:

    1. Changed the function used with the hessian to be a scalar or single value, e.g. double, instead of a vector of values, e.g. NumericVector.
    2. Ensured that before the function call the numDeriv R package is loaded.
    3. Changed the return type expected from the hessian() function from Rcpp::List to Rcpp::NumericMatrix.

    This results in the following C++ code:

    #include <Rcpp.h>
    double k_dimensional_cpp(Rcpp::NumericVector x, double N){
    // ^^ Change return type from NumericVector to double
      // Speed up the process by writing the _C++_ loop
      // instead of relying on Rcpp sugar.
      double total = 0;
      for(int i = 0 ; i < x.size(); ++i) {
          total += std::pow(x[i], N);
      // Return the accumulated total
      return total;
    // [[Rcpp::export]]
    Rcpp::NumericMatrix call_KD_hessian_in_C(double K) {
      // Ensure that numDeriv package is loaded prior to calling this function
      Rcpp::Environment numDeriv("package:numDeriv");
      Rcpp::Function hessian = numDeriv["hessian"];
      double param = 3;
      Rcpp::NumericVector x = Rcpp::rep(1.0, K);
      // Switched from Rcpp::List to Rcpp::NumericMatrix
      Rcpp::NumericMatrix hessian_results = 
        Rcpp::_["func"] = Rcpp::InternalFunction(k_dimensional_cpp),
        Rcpp::_["x"] = x,    // use lower case x to match function signature.
        Rcpp::_["N"] = param
      // Return the calculated hessian
      return hessian_results;

    Testing the routine gives:

    # Ensure numDeriv is on search path
    # Call function
    call_KD_hessian_in_C(K = 2)
    #              [,1]         [,2]
    # [1,] 6.000000e+00 3.162714e-12
    # [2,] 3.162714e-12 6.000000e+00