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Laravel and jenssegers mongodb relationship data not saving

I have 2 classes in Laravel

class Company
  public function people()
     return $this->hasMany('Person');

class Person 
  public function company()
    return $this->belongsTo('Company');

Now in another class, I am creating a person object and setting company_id with a defined variable $companyId.

$person = new Person;
$person->company_id = $companyId; //Code not executing after it.

When I am setting $companyId in $person, it is just being in recursive call and never come back.

I have also tried this code as well, but no luck, again, it is stuck somewhere and never save.

$company = Company::find($companyId);
$person = new Person;
$company->people()->save($person); // Never execute this

Please provide some sight, what wrong I am doing, I googled for this but not found which resolve this.

  • EDIT *

This app was created and maintain in laravel 4.2 and there it is working fine, but while upgrading this to laravel 5.7, this is giving issue here.



  • can you try below code may be it will work for you.

    Please add a relationship like this in your code.

    class Company
      public function people()
         return $this->hasMany('App\Person');
    class Person 
      public function company()
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Company');

    And try to save Person object like this here I don't know fields of person table so for a demo, I have used a name, so replace it as per your requirements.

    $comment = new App\Person(['name' => 'test']);
    $company= App\Company::find(1);