I have simple Laravel application and I have custom allowed GET parameters for my app:
$allowedGetParameters = [
How can I block all other GET parameters except the specified parameters in the array?
For example possible URL addresses:
- https://app.com/?user=16
- https://app.com/?event=242&user=16
- https://app.com/?user=16&event=242&action=like
URL with other GET parameters must return response 404. Here example URLs:
- https://app.com/?user=16&post=43&like=true
- https://app.com/?guru=242&set=superguru&action=true
If the URLs contain one or more unallowed GET parameters with or without allowed GET parameters in this case, the result should also be returned 404.
Create middleware https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/middleware
implement handle
method, where you are make your checks:
$params = array_keys($request->all());
$is_valid_params = count(array_diff($params, $allowedGetParameters)) == 0;
$is_get_request = $request->method() == 'GET';
if ($is_valid_params && $is_get_request) {
return $next($request);
return abort(404);
Also I would move $allowedGetParameters to config folder in somefile.php, and would access like that: count(array_diff($params, config('somefile.allowedGetParameters')) == 0;
Don't forget to:
1) register your middleware in app\Http\Kernel.php in protected $routeMiddleware
2) wrap your routes in web.php with:
Route::group(['middleware' => ['name_of_your_widdleware']], function () {