I'm trying to write a curried function dissoc, that takes in a prop and an object and removes the key and its value from the object.
Here is the code that works:
const dissoc = prop => obj => {
const result = {};
for (let p in obj) {
result[p] = obj[p];
delete result[prop];
return result;
Now, I thought this could be written more concise by using computed properties, destructuring and the rest operator:
const dissoc = prop => ({ [prop], ...obj}) => obj
But this code throws with:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ,
So I tried:
const dissoc = prop => ({ prop, ...obj}) => obj
which computes, but just returns the object without the prop.
Is there a way to dynamically destructure and / or simplify this code?
You need a target variable, for example an underscore as sign for an unused variable/placeholder.
const dissoc = prop => ({ [prop]: _, ...obj}) => obj
Javascript does not have the concept of using variable variables, like PHP with $$variable
, where the value of $variable
is taken as variable. In this case, you need another variable, because of the computed property name and without a real variable, it does not work.
Maybe worth a read: Object property assignment pattern [YDKJS: ES6 & Beyond]