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No encapsulation in BitmapFactory.Options

When studying Android's BitmapFactory.Options class, I noticed that its fields are publicly available to be accessed and modified.

This is contrary to the general encapsulation rule that states the fields should be declared private, and accessing/modifying them should be achieved via public getter/setter methods. This way we can control how clients can approach our class's fields.

That makes me wonder if I'm misunderstanding the encapsulation concept. When writing my own classes, in which situations I am allowed to ignore the encapsulation, just as it is ignored in BitmapFactory.Options?

One may argue that encapsulation is not necessary when there is no need for restrictions in getting/setting the field values. But I think it is not the case with BitmapFactory.Options, because, e.g., BitmapFactory.Options.inSampleSize should be a power of 2:

the decoder uses a final value based on powers of 2, any other value will be rounded down to the nearest power of 2.

Hence, the developers could declare a setter method that

  • rejects the values that are not a power of 2; or
  • rounds the given value to the nearest power of 2, before it is passed to the decoder.


  • What the Javadoc says for inSampleSize is

    Also, powers of 2 are often faster/easier for the decoder to honor.

    This means the class author is delegating to you the decision of which value to assign to it.
    Nowhere is stated other values won't work, it is just they won't be as efficient, becuase of the rounding phase. There might be usecases where non-power-of-two numbers have to be assigned.

    By giving a look at that inner static class I see no reason to use getters/setters encapsulation.
    They would be unnecessary and redundant, like many classes which "respect" the JavaBean style.

    Why have a 500 NLOC class when you can have a 50 NLOC one? Keep it simple.