I've taken a screenshot of my app widgets in the Honeycomb emulator using the default "Widget Preview" application, but I don't know in which location the image has been saved. I've been looking around using adb shell commands as well as looking in the Gallery application but I haven't been able to find it. I can email it or send a MMS, but I guess that I don't need to setup a mail account on the emulator.
Is there an easy way to get the image which I've missed, or do I really need to setup a mail account on the emulator?
Thanks in advance.
Answering my own question:
The source of the application is a part of the samples in the Honeycomb sdk. By looking at the source I found out that it is saved in the "Download" folder on the sd-card. Its name is [app_name]_ori_[orientation].png
. For example Gallery_ori_landscape.png
Pull it from the emulator simply by using adb pull:
adb pull sdcard/Download/[app_name]_ori_[orientation].png [remote_location]
I probably asked the question too early, but I hope this will clarify the procedure for other who get this problem.