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Event propagation and ajax post

I have the following code:

<div id="parentDiv">
    <a href="someurl"> ... </a>

HTML inside the div comes from the external source and I don't know it's structure and can't control it.

I need to post some data when this link has been clicked. So I added an onclick event handler on the div element, hoping event will propagate, and posted data with jQuery ajax function.

This worked fine in all browsers but Safari - it doesn't return any errors, calls the callback function but doesn't reach the server for some reason. I write to database every time I get a request. Tried to manually load the post url in browser - works fine and record in db is created. Also tried FF and Chrome - works as expected.

When put an alert into callback function it's being called but in Safari data = null.

$('#parentDiv').delegate( 'a', 'click', function()
        { param1: 'test'}, 
            alert('data = '+data);

Is it correct to expect AJAX working in this situation at all? And is there a better solution to this problem?

Thank you!


  • This sounds like you need to combine delegate with the asynchronous AJAX. Note that this is almost never a good thing -- the only real exception is when you want to do an AJAX request immediately before leaving a page.

    Your code might look something like this:

    $('#parentDiv').delegate( 'a', 'click', function()
          type: 'POST',
          url: 'posturl',
          { param1: 'test'}, 
          dataType: 'json',
          async: false

    This waits for the POST request to finish before continuing to follow the link. Note that this is superior to using location = url in a success callback as this solution allows normal browser action like middle-clicking to be followed as normal.