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Emacs: how to define 'bookmark' variables of directories

I use Emacs and ESS for R programming and usually I work in a few specific folders. Due to the configuration of my working environment, the folders that I work on is usually "very deep" in each folder structure, i.e., I need to specify several subfolders before reaching the directory that I work in:


It's tedious and I have to repeatedly use CTR+X CTR+F to find the files, even I only need to work in a few places. I am wondering, is there any possibility that allow me to define a few variables that stores the common locations that I work on, and when I need to find any script, I only need to invoke something like:


This would be a function like a bookmark in the Linux window manager. I understand there is a global setting environment that allows you to set the default directory. However, that will only make the work a bit easier for one folder. It's an improvement, but still not good enough if I am working on several projects simultaneously.

Any suggestions?


  • Here you have a few options. I have 2 in store for you bookmarks and file-registers if you execute the following command

    (set-register ?a '(file . "~/.emacs"))

    Then execute C-x r j a or M-x jump-to-register a you will jump to your .emacs file. I encourage you to read the docs on registers they are quite handy.

    The second one is bookmark. You can bookmark files or directory by using C-x r m in the buffer on interest. Don't forget to save the bookmarks or they will disappear next time you restart emacs. M-x bookmark save

    update A third option would be the use of keychords package which you can find on melpa

    (defun open-this  ()
      (find-file "~/.emacs") )
    (require 'key-chord)
    (key-chord-mode 1)
    (key-chord-define-global "=-"  'open-this)

    then by pressing =- simultaneously or fast enough you would go to the .emacs file. A nice feature is that you could use local mode as well so the same key-chord would do different things depending on your mode.