I work currently on in place generic Quicksort.
I start with an int array which is randomly generated to do some tests.
The specification of the quiksort is :
quicksort(void *array,int numberElem,int size, cmp(void*,void*))
cmp a compare function.
So : I call the function in my main like :
int main(void){
int myArray= .....randomly;
quicksort((void *)myArray,100,sizeof(int),cmp)
Then in my quicksort :
quicksort(void *array,int numberElem,int size, cmp(void*,void*)){
char *lArray;
lArray= (char*)array;
Now the question is :
How I can compare 2 cell (realy int cells) of my char lArray using size ?
I ve been some research and not find answer. Thanks for ready and sorry if my english was little bad.
The way to do this is to multiply size by the index of the element you're accessing (pay attention to Param1
and Param2
in the the insertion sort). I took the time to write a fairly lengthy example with insertion sort rather than quicksort: the general structure behind the type genericness is the same but you'll obviously have to apply quicksort rather than selection sort.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int CmpChar(void* Param1, void* Param2) {
char P1 = *((char*) Param1);
char P2 = *((char*) Param2);
return P1 < P2;
int CmpShort(void* Param1, void* Param2) {
short P1 = *((short*) Param1);
short P2 = *((short*) Param2);
return P1 < P2;
int CmpInt(void* Param1, void* Param2) {
int P1 = *((int*) Param1);
int P2 = *((int*) Param2);
return P1 < P2;
int CmpLong(void* Param1, void* Param2) {
long long P1 = *((long long*) Param1);
long long P2 = *((long long*) Param2);
return P1 < P2;
void GenericInsertionSort(void* Array, int Length, int Size, int Cmp(void*, void*)) {
char* lArray = (char*) Array;
void* Temp = malloc(Size);
for (int i = 0; i < (Length - 1); i++) {
int j = i + 1;
void* Param1 = lArray + Size*j;
void* Param2 = lArray + Size*(j - 1);
while (j && Cmp(Param1, Param2)) {
memcpy(Temp, Param2, Size);
memcpy(Param2, Param1, Size);
memcpy(Param1, Temp, Size);
Param1 = ((char*) Param1 - Size);
Param2 = ((char*) Param2 - Size);
int main(void) {
long long A1[] = {5, 3, 1, 4, 2};
int A2[] = {5, 3, 1, 4, 2};
short A3[] = {5, 3, 1, 4, 2};
char A4[] = {5, 3, 1, 4, 2};
GenericInsertionSort(A1, 5, 8, CmpLong);
GenericInsertionSort(A2, 5, 4, CmpInt);
GenericInsertionSort(A3, 5, 2, CmpShort);
GenericInsertionSort(A4, 5, 1, CmpChar);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
printf("%llu == %d == %d == %d\n", A1[i], A2[i], A3[i], A4[i]);
return 0;