Search code examples

Array.every function isn't running on all elements of Object

I'm trying to search inside temp1 if any value has the string "processado" using the following code

let temp1 = [{
    "value":"R$ 50,00",
    "name":"Daiany Nascimento",
    "credit_release_date":"Não Processado",
    "credit_release_description":"— — — —"

let b = []

temp1.forEach((a,index_a) => { 
Object.values(a).every((value,index,array) => {
    let expression = new RegExp("processado", "i") //expression to search
    if (typeof value == "object") {
      Object.values(value).every(valueOfObject => {    
        if (expression.test(valueOfObject)) {
          return false;
        } else {
          return true
    else if (expression.test(value)){ 
      return false
      else {
      return true

But, the array b remains empty. If I try to search the string "Cobrança", the array b get filled, as it should. I think that if I try to search values that are stored on keys after the status key, something get wrong.


  • You need to return Object.values(value).every(valueOfObject.... inside if (typeof value == "object")

    let temp1 = [{"id":7089,"value":"R$ 50,00","name":"Daiany Nascimento","date":"18/03/2019","type":"Cobrança","status":{"status":"Paga","icon":"paid"},"credit_release_date":"Não Processado","credit_release_description":"— — — —"}]
    let b = []
    temp1.forEach((a,index_a) => { 
    Object.values(a).every((value,index,array) => {
        let expression = new RegExp("processado", "i") //expression to search
        if (typeof value == "object") {
          return Object.values(value).every(valueOfObject => {    
            if (expression.test(valueOfObject)) {
              return false;
            } else {
              return true
          else if (expression.test(value)){ 
          return false
          else {
          return true

    A simpler and cleaner way is using recursion and filter() and some(). every() doesnot make any sense to me here

    let temp1 = [{"id":7089,"value":"R$ 50,00","name":"Daiany Nascimento","date":"18/03/2019","type":"Cobrança","status":{"status":"Paga","icon":"paid"},"credit_release_date":"Não Processado","credit_release_description":"— — — —"}]
    function check(obj,regex){
      return Object.values(obj).some(x =>{
          let y;
          if(typeof x === "object") y = check(x,regex);
          return y || regex.test(x);
    let b = temp1.filter(x => check(x,/Processado/i))