How do you replace the apostrophe logo on the login page? I've traced the styling back to the public/modules/apostrophe-login/css/always.less file. When I try to set the background, the apostrophe logo sits on top of the image I'm trying to use. I'm looking for a way to override that image. I've included the code below of my most recent attempt.
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: @apos-margin-5;
svg { background: url('/images/el_logo.svg'); width: 84px; height: 84px; }
That logo get included in the login interface here:
<div class="apos-login-content">
<div class="apos-login-logo">{% block logo %}{% include "apostrophe-admin-bar:logo.html" %}{% endblock %}</div>
<div class="apos-ui apos-login">
So you can decide eather to include some other html file which contents your logo or change logo.html in:
So you copy one of theese to your project lib folder. They get loaded atomaticly and pushed to browser as my-apostrophe-login or my-apostrophe-admin-bar and will override the elements in node_modules.
So it must be looking like that for example: